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Install TVIP Middleware

Software and Hardware requirements

TVIP Middleware require Ubuntu 14.04.x (LTS) OS

The hardware requiremnets depend of the total count of clients applications (STB and SmartOS apps) and poll interval settings.

Before installation you will check current locale of OS, PostgreSql use this variable when create cluster.

cat /etc/default/locale 

This is example of correct output for Russian Locale

#  File generated by update-locale

If LANG not contain UTF-8 suffix - you will need to install correct locale.

Example of russian locale with UTF-8 support

Run as root:

locale-gen ru_RU
locale-gen ru_RU.UTF-8
update-locale LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8

Quick install

Run as root on fresh installed UBUNTU 16.04:

wget -O - | sh

Manual installation

Run as root

#make file where we save paths to repositories
touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tvip-middleware.list

#add main repo
echo "deb trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tvip-middleware.list

#add key to OS
wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add -

#update package information
apt-get update

#install TMS
apt-get install -y tvip-middleware


cat /usr/local/etc/tvipmw.yml

 database_port: 5432
 memcached_servers: [ {host:, port: 11211} ]
 database_name: tvip_middleware
 database_user: tvip_middleware
 database_password: <password>
 locale: en

locale may be set in en or ru, for english and russian language in admin inteface, by default - en.

After any changes in this file - you will need to flush cache of application

Run as root:

/opt/tvipmw/app/console cache:clear

First start

Admin interface located at:


Default login and password is admin

  • Poll interval setting located at Settings → Configuration → Device poll interval, by default - 60 sec.
en/tvip_middleware_installation.1492689353.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/20 14:55 by Egor Danilenko