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Channel list from M3U playlist

TVIP Mediacenters support operation without any middleware. TV content data is loaded from M3U playlist.


Supported playlist types are: M3U and XSPF. Supported EPG formats are JTV and XMLTV. Files could be loaded from local storage (/tmp/mnt/sda1/test.m3u) or from HTTP server (recommended).

To manually setup playlist go Settings → TV → Content source. Select M3U-playlist. Setup playlist and EPG URLS:

The recommended way to setup playlist is over provisioning.

M3U format specs

Extended tags could be used:
- format=“auto” - stream format for better player setup; can be: auto - use auto detection, mpegts - use MPEG-TS demuxer, hls - use HLS demuxer, other - use FFMpeg demuxer.
- group-title=“Favorite” - favorites (groups of channels)
- tvg-name=“Channel” - channel name in EPG file
- tvg-id=“1” - channel's id in xmltv
- url-tvg=“http://domain/” - URL to EPG file
- tvg-logo=“http://domain/channel.png” - URL to channel in PNG format
- refresh=“3600” - playlist refresh period
- channel-number=10 - Channel number to be displayed to user (numbers are generated, by default from 1) (supported in fw. 4.1.12+)
- tvg-shift=-2 - support EPG offset (supported in fw 4.2.35)

M3U file example:

#EXTM3U url-tvg="http://server/" refresh="3600"
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Free channels",Channel One
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Free channels",Channel Two
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Free channels",News Channel
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-shift=-2 group-title="Free channels",News Channel (+2)
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Free channels",News 2 Channel
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Music channels",MTV

EPG formats

Supported formats:

XMLTV can by packed inside .gz и .zip archives. Tags start and stop are required to be in full ISO format: “YYYYMMDDHHMMSS -HHMM”.

en/m3u.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/20 12:57 by Виталий Журавлев