Table of Contents

TVIP JavaScript API #6

Version API #6
Avaliable for firmwares version 5.0.x or higher.

Set-top-boxes TVIP display Web-content using WebKit engine.

JavaScript API in Set-top-boxes Tvip is based on the following main objects:

Objects do not require an explicit creation or any initialization and is accessible from any Web-page that is open in STB browser.

The main changes:

Description methods of objects JS API


bool addMountPoint(int id, bool temp, int type, String name, Object options);

Add or change mount point with indicated id. If temp equal false, then mount point will be saved after device reload, if true - then mount point will be deleted after reload or application restart.The possible mount points types (type): 1 - SMB, 2 - NFS. Point name at mount system (for example, at pop-up message): name. Parameter options set specific options as object:


  "address": <address>,
  "folder": <folder>,
  "username": <username>,
  "password": <password>

Here, <address> - IP-adress, domain or NetBIOS-server name, <folder> - name of sharing content, <username> и <password> - optional authorization credentials.


  "address": <address>,
  "folder": <folder>

Here, <address> - IP-adress or domain server name, <folder> - full path to sharing catalog.

void enableCas(String name, Object options)

Enable CAS/DRM support for media streams that played from current portal. CAS/DRM type is specified be name. CAS/DRM specific options are taken from key-value options object.

void enableSpatialNavigation(bool enable)

Enable/disable spatial navigation for current web portal. It means keyboard navigation over buttons and links.

void execSystemUri(String uri)

Execute System URI (except “Whole system” mode).

int getApiVersion();

Returns API version.

String getSoftwareVersion();

Returns software version of STB

String getCurrentLanguageCode();

Returns id of currently active interface language ('en', 'ru').

String getCurrentTimezone();

Returns currently time zone (for example, Europe/Moscow).

String getDeviceId();

Returns device model indetifier (like s410).

String getDisplayMode();

Returns current display mode (“1080i”, “1080p”, “720p”, “576i”, etc).

List getDirectoryDirs(String directory);

Returns directory list in a specified directory.

[ "Dir1", "Dir2", "Dir3" ]

List getDirectoryFiles(String directory);

Returns file objects list in a specified directory directory. Object contains file name and file size.

    "name": "file1",
    "size": 1234567
    "name" : "file2",
    "size" : 44444

name -file name, size - file size in bytes.

String getEnvValue(String name);

Gets variable from the browser store. If name not found, empty string returns.

String getMainMacAddress();

Returns main MAC address as string. Usually it's Ethernet interface MAC.

Object getNetworkDefaultRouteConfig();

Returns object that contains default route information. Example object:

   "ipaddress": "",
   "interface": "eth0",
   "metric": 1,

Fields: ipaddress - gateway IP-address, interface - network interface name, metric - network metric.

List getNetworkInterfaces();

Returns list of network interfaces. Example list:

["eth0","ip6tnl0","sit0", "wlan0"]

Object getNetworkInterfaceStatus(String name);

Returns object, that contains information about status of a network interface with name.Use getNetworkInterfaces method to find interface name. Example object:


Fields: mac - MAC-address of the interface (could be the same as Main MAC Address or not); running - true, if intreface is in connected state, false otherwhise; fullduplex - true, if connection is in full duplex, false if half-duplex; speed - connection speed in Mbits/sec; ipaddress - IP address on the interface (empty if no IP assigned); mask - netmask; gateway - interface gateway; dns1 и dns2 - DNS server's addresses.

Object getNetworkStatistics(String name);

Returns object, that contains information about network interface statistics with name. Example object:


Fields: bytes_received and bytes_sent - how many total bytes were sent and received over the interface; packets_received and packets_sent - how many total packets were sent and received over the interface; u_packets_received и u_packets_sent - how many unicast packets were sent and received over the interface; b_packets_received и b_packets_sent - how many broadcast packets were sent and received over the interface; m_packets_received и m_packets_sent - how many multicast packets were sent and received over the interface;

List getSmbWorkgroups();

Returns windows network workgroup list. Example:


List getSmbServers(String group);

Performs servers search in specified group network group and returns NetBIOS server names

['MYPC', 'USER2']

List getSmbServerShares(String server);

Returns names of available network shares by NetBIOS or IP address defined by server parameter. Example:

['shared folder', 'Downloads']

bool getStandBy();

Returns true, if device was transferred to Sleep/StandBy with setStandBy command. Returns false otherwise. Only for “Whole system” mode.

List getStorageValues();

Returns all mounted devices (local and network)

   "label": <label>,
   "path" : <ospath>,
   "fstype" : <file_system>,
   "writable": <writable>,
   "status": <status>,
   "size": <size>,
   "free" <free>


Object fields:
label - Resource name(label) visible to user;
path - mount point
fstype - FS type (e.g. vfat, ntfs, ext2, ext3, nfs, cifs;
writable - write access (“1” - yes, “0” - no);
status - mount point status (“0” - need mount, “1” - mount in progress, “2” - mount successfully, “3” - mount error, “4” - umount in progress, “5” - unmounted, “6” - umount error),
size - FS size,
free - Available free space.

String getUdpProxyAddress();

Returns UDP proxy settings, specified in preferences.

String getSecurityCode();

Returns security (parental control) code, specified in security preferences. If Security is disabled, returns empty value.

bool hasDirectory(String osPath);

Returns true, if directory osPath exists. Otherwise returns false.

bool hasFile(String osPath);

Returns true, if file (not directory) with defined name osPath exists, false otherwise.

void removeFile(String path);

Removes file in path. Only works for allowed directories.

launchBrowser(String url, String backUrl);

Launch Web browser and open page from url. If browser is exited, portal from backUrl will be loaded.


Launch TVIP Home screen (does not work in “Whole system” mode).

void launchPreferences();

Launches system preferences Tvip.

void launchSystemInfo();

Launches system info screen (same as S.Info key).

void logDebug(String message);

Outputs debugging message to terminal(Linux) or logcat(Android).

void rebootSystem();

Reboots system.

void removeMountPoint(int id);

Removes mount point from mount manager. id - Mount point identifier

void setColorKey(int color);

Setups UI color that could be consider as transparent for video layer. color in RGB model.

void setCurrentLanguageCode(String language);

Sets current system language (to language).

void setCustomHeader(String header, String value);

Defines HTTP-header for browser. header - header name, value - header value. If value is empty, previously defined header will be purged.

void setEnvValue(String name, String value);

Saves variable in browsers persistent storage. All variables are available for all browser pages.

void setDirectoryListFilters(String filters);

Setups filename filter for getDirectoryFiles and getDirectoryDirs. | Will be count as delimiter.
? and * applicable as well.
e.g. *.avi|*.mp3

setHomeKeyUrl(String url);

In “Whole system” mode, if user press “Home” button, STB will load provided URL.

setOverrideErrorUrl(String url);

Sets up URL, which STB will try to load in case of page loading error.

void setPassKeyKeyboard(bool enabled);

If enabled=true, Cursor key press(on remote) event will be pass to Java Script directly, instead of default virtual keyboard handler.

void setPassKeyMenu(bool enabled);

If enabled==true, Remote “Menu” button press event will be pass to JS, instead of Tvip menu call.

void setPassKeySysInfo(bool enabled);

If enabled==true, remote press “S.INFO” event will be passed to JS, instead of Tvip system info call.

void setPassKeySettings(bool enabled);

If enabled==true, remote press “Settings” will be passed to JS, instead of Tvip settings menu call.

void setStandBy(bool enabled);

Switches STB in sleep mode (enabled==true) or return it to operation mode (enabled==false). Only for “Whole system” mode.

void setWebProxy(String proxy, Array exclude)

Sets Web-proxy server address for using with current portal. All following http requests will be made over this proxy. Params: proxy - proxy server address, exclude - array with web-servers, that should not go over proxy (IP subnet or domain).

void showVirtualKeyboard(bool show);

Virtual keyboard show (show=true) or hide (show=false).

void syncFileSystem();

Force filesystem sync (ex, after writing settings).

void reset();

Resets settings:
transparent color;
file filter.


void reset();

Resets playback. If we don't need playback after page change this routine should be called.

void playUrl (String url, String mode);

void playUrl (String url, Object options);

Starts playback defined URL(local path also welcome).

Parameter mode can be:

vod - URL contains VOD-file (with final length specified);

live - URL contains live TV-stream (Timeshift and DVR are welcome);

live_ts - same as live, but for Timeshifted MPEGTS;


playUrl ("udp://", "live"); // Start play multicast-stream;
playUrl ("", ""); // Start play file via http;
playUrl ("", ""); // Start play HLS-video;

Advanced options could be set up with options object:

  "mode" : "live",
  "audio_index" : 1,
  "subtitle_index": 3

Possible options:
mode - same as above.
position - initial playback position in mseconds.
audio_index - initial audio track index.
audio_pid - initial audio PID (in case of MPEGTS).
audio_language - initial audio language (2 or 3 symbols).
subtitle_index - initial subtitle track index.
subtitle_pid - initial subtitle PID (in case of MPEGTS).
subtitle_language - initial subtitle language (2 or 3 symbols).
parse_epg - enabled EIT MPEGTS parser.

void setVideoWindow(int x, int y, int w, int x, boolean onTop);

Sets up video window size. Position seting up according current video out mode.

If w = 0 и h = 0, Full screen mode used.

If onTop = true, video window drows above UI.

void stop();

Stops playback if any.

void pause();

sets playback on pause.

void unpause();

Continues playback.

void seek(int position);

Sets playback position in milliseconds. Keep in mind that beginning of playback is minPosition see below

void attachExternalSubtitle(String url, String encoding)

Add subtitles from an external file (from url) to currently played media. This method should be called after playUrl. Optional parameter encoding sets up character encoding of subtitle file.

String getCurrentUrl();

Returns URL of current or last played stream.

String getCurrentUrlMode();

Returns mode (second param of playUrl) of current or last played stream.

int getCurrentPositionMsec();

Returns current playback position.

int getMinPositionMsec();

Returns minimal playback position (e.g. content beginning)

int getMaxPositionMsec();

Returns maximum playback position (e.g. content ends).

void setMpegTsBufferMsec(int msec);

Sets MPEG-TS buffer size for next playback to msec.

void setVolume();

Sets volume level from 0 to 100

int getVolume();

Returns current volume level from 0 to 100

void setMute(bool mute);

Turns off (mute=true) or turns on (mute=false) sound.

bool getMute();

Returns true, if muted, otherwise false;

String getContainerType();

Returns the type of container being played (e.g. mpegts, avi, matroska)

int getStreamsCount();

Returns content being played media streams count (audio, video, subtitles etc)

Object getStreamInfo(int index);

Returns an object with media stream info

  "type": <videotype>,
  "id": <id>,
  "codec": <codec>,
  "lang" : <lang>

videotype - media stream type;
“v” - video,
“a” - audio,
“s” - subtitles;
id - PID;
codec - codec name;
lang - Audio stream ISO 639 language code.

int getCurrentVideoStreamIndex();

Returns currently played video stream index.

int getCurrentAudioStreamIndex();

Returns currently played audio stream index.

int getCurrentSubtitleStreamIndex();

Returns currently played subtitle stream index.

void setCurrentAudioStreamIndex(int index);

Sets active audio stream (index).

void setCurrentSubtitleStreamIndex(int index);

Sets active subtitle stream (index).

void setAspectRatio (String ratio)

Sets aspect ratio.
Available values:
“box” - Original
“full” - Full screen
“zoom” - Zoomed.


String addRecord(String name, String url, String path, String start, String end);

Adds new record job.
name - record name,
url - stream URL (MPEGTS via UDP, RTP, HTTP are supported.)
path - Local path to record,
start и end - start/stop time in UNIX TIMESTAMP or “YYYYMMDDTHHmmss” format.
Returns unique record job id.

bool cancelRecord(String id, bool removeFile);

Removes record job by id. If removeFile=true, stream stored to storage also will be removed.
Returns true in success.

void updateStartEndTime(String id, String start, String end);

Updates start time or(and) end time of recording id. If we need to set only one parameter leave second one empty.
Fromat for start end see at addRecord

List getRecordIds();

Returns currently added jobs list.

Object getRecord(id);

Returns object (by id) with record parameters.

  "id": <id>,
  "name": <name>,
  "startTime": <start>,
  "endTime" : <end>,
  "url" : <url>,
  "status" : <status>

<id>, <name>, <start>, <end> - corresponds with addRecord routine parameter;
<status> - record status:
“waiting” - waiting for record,
“recording” - record in progress,
“finished” - record finished,
“error” - error occurred.


TvipEvent consist of Callback functions, which may be overloaded for events capturing.

onPlayerStateChange(int oldState, int newState);

Calls on mediaplayer playback status change. oldState - previous player status, newState - new player status.

Player possible status:

onSystemEvent(String codename, Object args);

On system event.
Examples codename: